
ReTruSt: Resilient, Trustworthy, Sustainable

The research groups consist of interdisciplinary team members with different expertise and research areas, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert.


The goal of ReTruSt is to research and test technological, as well as socio-technical, legal and economical solutions in order to make complex networked, highly dynamic, socio-technical systems trustworthy and resilient to cyber-attacks throughout their entire life cycle and to operate them in a verifiable, sustainably secure manner. 

With ReTruSt, fundamental methods, technical concepts, software tools, and system architectures are to be researched and tested in interdisciplinary collaboration, which provides the basis for mastering the challenges. 

As the attack surface of networked systems increases, the risks of cyber-attacks increase. These cannot be ruled out even when using advanced protective measures. Therefore, future systems must be able to protect sensitive resources but at the same time continue to provide their core functionality, even if the system is exposed to cyber-attacks. This is the demand for Cyber-Resilience. Cyber-Resilient systems must have the ability to detect and defend against attacks, i.e. be prepared for them, plan for them, cope with them and recover from them. At the same time, they should be able to learn and continuously improve in order to sustainably maintain the required level of protection. The demand for Cyber-Resilience goes well beyond the protection of systems in the classic sense and is an indispensable property of future software-based systems, infrastructures and business processes.

Research Areas:

1. Resilient trusted software architectures, embedded systems and infrastructures

2. Theoretical, formal foundations and systems engineering

3. User acceptance, privacy and traceability

Our Team

Research projects

The Retrust network includes various research projects with numerous industry partners:
