FOR 5795 HyperMet. Effects of skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy on metabolic health
Speaker: Henning Wackerhage, Vice-Speaker: Hanna Taipaleenmäki
Global skeletal muscle hypertrophy has anti-obesity, anti-diabetes, anti-osteoporosis, and possibly anti-tumour growth effects. Conversely, global skeletal muscle atrophy is typically associated with fat gain, insulin resistance, osteoporosis, and poor outcomes in cancer patients. The aim of the HyperMet research unit is to investigate the underlying metabolic mechanisms on three levels that are first intercellular metabolism, second muscular metabolite exchange and third inter-organ metabolism and metabolic health. We will do so using advanced methods of metabolic research such as isotope-labelled tracer-based flux analysis, metabolic imaging, and arteriovenous metabolomics.
The HyperMet research unit is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for 2 x 4 years (first 4 years confirmed) and involves 9 projects that all collaborate closely. Seven of the projects investigate the metabolism of muscle hypertrophy or atrophy in different models from cells to humans. Projects eight and nine support all other projects by offering metabolic flux analysis and computational biology.
We expect that we understand in four and eight years much better how muscle hypertrophy or the prevention of atrophy improves our metabolic health and how we can use this knowledge to better treat patients with metabolic disease.