Infrastructure & Tools
Manage, document, publish, and archive - an overview of infrastructure and software offerings for holistic and sustainable research data management at TUM.
TUM DataTagger
In development – The TUM DataTagger is the solution for functional research data management. The tool simplifies collaborative work in the research process at TUM. Data exchange with project partners from other institutions is simplified via the online platform, and the joint metadata assignment ensures that the data is identifiable and reusable.
mediaTUM is TUM's institutional repository for research data, university publications, scientific journal articles, image and video collections, and valuable scientific holdings. The media and publication server can be used for publishing and archiving research data in a DFG-compliant manner with a peer-review process. Open access publications are also possible as secondary publications according to DFG standards on mediaTUM. The data is stored in the infrastructure of the Leibniz Computing Center, i.e. locally and securely. The data becomes citable by a permalink or by a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Further information: Publish & share data
Storage solutions
In close cooperation with the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), TUM offers storage solutions for various demand situations. When storing - and thus selecting storage solutions - a distinction must be made between hot (unfinished) and cold (finished) data.
For hot data, it is relevant how the data is used, such as whether several people are to work on the same file at the same time, and how large the storage requirement is. As storage solutions for hot data, the LRZ offers, for example, Personal Cloud Storage, Project Cloud Storage for workgroups, and Data Science Storage for large data volumes. Collaborative work on documents can be done at TUM with Sync+Share and Microsoft 365. For joint development and versioning of software, LRZ GitLab is a suitable solution.
For cold data, the storage solution depends on whether the data is to be backed up or archived, for whom it is to be accessible, and from which storage location it comes. The Archive & Backup System of the LRZ enables regular and automated data backup of servers and computers. The archiving period is ten years and can be increased if required.
Further informationen: Handout on Infrastructure Offers for Storing Research Data at TUM
For the documentation of your research in an experimental environment, the use of an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) can be beneficial. The ELN-Finder supports you select a suitable tool. This tool was jointly developed by the Technical University of Darmstadt and ZB MED.
Get in touch!
For questions, please feel free to contact us at researchdata(at)tum.de!