Directory of SEED research
- Whittingham, K. L., Argiolas, A., Leyva-de la Hiz, D. I., & Earle, A. G. (2024). Mapping Liability of Origin and Mimetism in MNE Engagement across the UN Sustainable Development Goals: An Analysis of Sustainability Reports. Business & Society, 00076503241255040
- Alexander, K., Argiolas A., Bohlayer, C., Sydow, A., Taghvaee. (2024) Workaround Practices within Gender-Biased Entrepreneurship Ecosystems – Evidence from Female Entrepreneurs in Africa. In De Gruyter Handbook of Women Entrepreneurs in Emerging Economies. De Gruyter.
- Argiolas, A., Benamar, S. (2024). How universities enable sustainable solutions to persistent social problems in Africa: the case of a Pan African university alliance. In Sustainable Universities and Colleges (pp. 132-159). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Alessia Argiolas, Hans Rawhouser, Alisa Sydow, (2023). Social entrepreneurs concerned about Impact Drift. Evidence from contexts of persistent and pervasive need. Journal of Business Venturing, 39:1.
- Nele Terveen. Frank-Martin Belz (2023). Don’t Let Sleeping Dogs Lie - Exploring Sustainable Entrepreneurs’ New Venture Idea Generation. Academy of Management Proceedings 2023.
- Prashant Pant, Cornejo Martin (2023). SoC-Temperature Based Power Sharing Algorithm for Battery Racks in Grid Ancillary Services. 2023 4th International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems (ICHVEPS)
- Prashant Pant, Thomas Hamacher, Vedran Peric (2023). Conference Paper System Identification Based Grid Agnostic Adaptive Droop Control Strategy. 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech
- Prashant Pant, Vedran Peric (2023). System Identification Based Adaptive Droop Control Strategy for Predominantly Resistive Microgrids. 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)
- Bouchra Lamhamedi, Walter T. De Vries (2022). An Exploration of the Land–(Renewable) Energy Nexus. MDPI Land 11(6):767.
- Esther Salvi, Frank-Martin Belz (2022). Informal Entrepreneurship: An Integrative Review and Future Research Agenda. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Sage Journals Vol. 47 Issue 2.
- Ibanez Federico, Alsadat M., Prashant Pant (2022). Limiting transients for grid-forming inverters using a phase limiter. 2022 11th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA)
- Katende, James (2022). Off-grid power supply based on green hydrogen storage potential: A case study of the NUST-SEED Living Lab at !Kharoxas. NUST Institutional Research Week, Windhoek, Namibia.
- Prashant Pant, Ibanez Federico (2022). A Simplified Microgrid Architecture with Reduced Number of Measurement Units. 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe).
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